Work Is Not a Job

Looking for a manifesto to remind you that it never hurts to pursue your creative side no matter what career you have? Look no further than the inspired message of Catharina Bruns, a German-born designer and illustrator behind Work Is Not A Job. Her site aims to reshift your focus by reminding you that ‘work’ is not your 9-5 job but how you individually contribute to the world.

“In his pursuit of the dream, he was being constantly subjected to tests of his persistence and courage”

The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

18 thoughts on “Work Is Not a Job

  1. I needed that! Especially in a world where it seems that too many people define themselves by their jobs and are obsessed with their jobs.

    “Work is not a job, and work is not my life either.”

  2. I love this. I’m so often confused about what I am and what I do that this gives a little clarity. I get a choice and the answer is what is in my heart.

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