Try to Remember, and If You Remember, Then Follow









Each new path, each new adventure. Don’t forget to follow next time you hear the call.

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Clever Arts Marketing from Around The World: Speaking to an Audience Instead of Talking Down to One


hertztheatre_manholeHertz Theatre. Decidedly underground.


critique(This one reminds me a bit of Season 2 of Slings and Arrows)


teatar-exit-summer-nightsTheatre Exit Summer Nights bus stop posters can be completely seen only during the night.


Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Whether Grounded or in Flight, Your Wings Won’t Forget Where They Wish to Go

“I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.”
– Thoreau

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Modern Day Pocahontas

What happens when the fashion world takes hold of the past and gives it its own modern spin? A few glimpses can be found below – a cultural identity pared down to a few key pieces.

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Work Is Not a Job

Looking for a manifesto to remind you that it never hurts to pursue your creative side no matter what career you have? Look no further than the inspired message of Catharina Bruns, a German-born designer and illustrator behind Work Is Not A Job. Her site aims to reshift your focus by reminding you that ‘work’ is not your 9-5 job but how you individually contribute to the world.

“In his pursuit of the dream, he was being constantly subjected to tests of his persistence and courage”

The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

Neverland Never Gets Old

I love reinventions of classic stories – provided that the new piece enhances the original work rather than mar any memories of it. After a much-talked-about off-Broadway run, Peter and the Starcatcher is one such example. And it’s taking Broadway by storm. This production, aided by the brilliant direction of Alex Timbers (Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson), explores the story of how Peter Pan became the boy as we know him. This show is another one that’s on my wish-list.

Take a look how the director utilizes minimal props and set to create an imaginative atmosphere – one formed mainly by characters doubling as seven roles or so, from monsters to pirates to trees, in order to create the world of Neverland.

Always nourish the child inside of you. It is the source of joy, creativity, and faith.  Shows such as this one are made possible by enabling that young spirit that lives in us all. When you, with childlike fervor, believe there are no limitations to what you can do, obstacles always become a little less daunting. Avenge those pirates and avast ye mateys!

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4