The Biggest Adventure You’ll Ever Take is Already in Progress

And oh but it is. As I turn another year older, I’m reaffirming a commitment to that grand ol’ adventure that is life.

From visiting Australia and New Zealand to putting on one of my favorite shows, the last 365 days have been chock full of adventures over which I’m still pinching myself.

Also, a big thank you to all of you readers who have been a part of this WordPress endeavor these past few months. What started as a pinboard for show inspiration quickly transformed into an amalgam of all things creative, random, or otherwise intriguing. Thank you all for your inspiring posts, thought-provoking comments and all-around support.

And may you all find ways to enjoy your own personal adventures.

Poster available here.

Truly Blessed and Duly Grateful

Thank you so much Ami Fidèle for nominating Thoughts on Theatre for the Inspiring Blog Award! It’s a joy to have connected with such an wonderful writer and “old soul.” Check out his blog when you have a moment to see how this loyal friend weaves his words into works of art.

The award asks for seven things about you that you wouldn’t normally post. So, on that note:

1. Grew up in Massachusetts and loved my east-coast childhood. Fall colors and fort-building in autumn, sledding down the backyard in winter, catching frogs in the pond behind our house in spring, and celebrating 60 degree weather with popsicles in summer. Crazy that California has made my tolerance for any kind of wind-chill non-existent.
2. I think Gruyère is the perfect cheese.
3. Starting taking samba recently and absolutely love it. The dance is completely liberating and my instructor is basically a miniature, all-around-inspiring Brazilian version of Shakira.
4. I love and cherish those that have a way with words. Some of the writers that helped me figure this out include Rumi, Anaïs Nin, Neal Stephenson, Kahlil Gibran, and Pablo Neruda.
5. Sometimes I feel guilty when I listen to a single music album too much – not because I shouldn’t like it – but because there are so many other tunes out there that I haven’t heard yet that need listening to too.
6.  My favorite birthday memory was turning 21 under a bridge of the Seine in Paris. A group of new french friends sang “Happy Birzday” at midnight and we all shared some wine and a tiny bit of dessert they had packed from an earlier picnic. It was the perfect way to start a new year.
7. I’m stubborn and don’t like when it happens, but I’m learning that there’s no shame in being wrong.

The award also calls for some  fellow nominations, so I would like to recommend the following reads:

Mindful Mod – I absolutely love her inspiration and thought-provoking posts. 
Dean J. Baker – Gorgeous, evocative poetry and stories.
Blissful Adventurer – An adventure-hungry heart shares his tales of trips abroad and lessons learned here at home.
Raising my Rainbow – One awesome mom blogging about her gender-nonconforming son.
Moments with Millie – Beautiful words from a beautiful soul.
Outre Monde – Ever enlightening posts from the author behind “The Art of Failure” and other hits.
We wander and wonder – A visual feast of fun and inspiring images.

Also, thank you to La Vie Boheme Art for the Sunshine Award nomination and to Original Apple Junkie for the Versatile Blogger Award nom! So grateful to have your support and thanks again for thinking of Thoughts on Theatre!

How Cartoons Can Jolt You Into Being Creative

Hugh McLeod is a cartoonist. But his drawings on the back of business cards are more than just doodles – they are miniature keys to personal creativity. His novel idea got noticed and before long, he put together a book entitled “Ignore Everybody” with his own view on how to keep creative in the modern world.

This book presents 40 of his own tips on creativity, accompanied by a business card illustration. A few of my favorites are below:

 Ignore everybody.

The more ori­gi­nal your idea is, the less good advice other peo­ple will be able to give you. When I first star­ted with the cartoon-on-back-of-bizcard for­mat, peo­ple thought I was nuts. Why wasn’t I trying to do something more easy for mar­kets to digest i.e. cutey-pie gree­ting cards or whatever?

The idea doesn’t have to be big. It just has to be yours.

The sove­reignty you have over your work will ins­pire far more peo­ple than the actual con­tent ever will.

Put the hours in.

Doing anything worthwhile takes fore­ver. 90% of what sepa­ra­tes suc­cess­ful peo­ple and fai­led peo­ple is time, effort, and stamina.

You are res­pon­si­ble for your own experience.

Nobody can tell you if what you’re doing is good, mea­ning­ful or worthwhile. The more com­pe­lling the path, the more lonely it is.

Keep your day job.

I’m not just saying that for the usual rea­son i.e. because I think your idea will fail. I’m saying it because to sud­denly quit one’s job in a big ol’ crea­tive drama-queen moment is always, always, always in direct con­flict with what I call “The Sex & Cash Theory”.*

*THE SEX & CASH THEORY: “The crea­tive per­son basi­cally has two kinds of jobs: One is the sexy, crea­tive kind. Second is the kind that pays the bills. Some­ti­mes the task in hand covers both bases, but not often. This tense dua­lity will always play cen­ter stage. It will never be trans­cen­ded.”

Every­body has their own pri­vate Mount Eve­rest they were put on this earth to climb.

You may never reach the sum­mit; for that you will be for­gi­ven. But if you don’t make at least one serious attempt to get above the snow-line, years later you will find your­self lying on your death­bed, and all you will feel is emptiness.

If you accept the pain, it can­not hurt you.

 The pain of making the neces­sary sac­ri­fi­ces always hurts more than you think it’s going to. I know. It sucks. That being said, doing something seriously crea­tive is one of the most ama­zing expe­rien­ces one can have, in this or any other life­time. If you can pull it off, it’s worth it. Even if you don’t end up pulling it off, you’ll learn many inc­re­di­ble, magi­cal, valua­ble things. It’s NOT doing it when you know you full well you HAD the oppor­tu­nity– that hurts FAR more than any failure.

Sites You Should Be Reading Pt. 1

Happy Monday all!

Today’s image brought to by the lovely Leah of THXTHXTHX. Leah stretches her gratitude muscles by writing thank you notes to everyday things – from the most mundane to the most significant. Each one is touching, or funny, or heartwarming. Pop on over and check it out. Her site is always a great reminder to look around and take stock of the little presents we often overlook.

Why We Write

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect”

– Anais Nin

In honor of reaching 100 posts, I wanted to take a moment to stop and thank all of you for continuing to be impassioned readers of Thoughts on Theatre. Your insight and encouragement inspires me everyday.

Things I’ve learned since launching this blog:

Everyone is looking for a way to connect. People reach out into the community and strangers walk away as friends.

People are downright fascinating. You want to know about basket-weaving in Indonesia? There’s a blog for that. Feel like learning a bit more about how to take apart your computer? There’s a blog for that. Want to jump out of planes and land safely after 65 seconds of awe-inspiring terror? There’s definitely a blog for that.

Small messages are often the best ones. It’s amazing how the simplest posts from have stuck in my mind for days. There’s a true power behind harnessing your words to convey a concise message.

Never hurts to try. Even when you’re not sure about how to approach a new project/entry/chapter in your life, might as well go for it. Chances are you’ll receive valuable feedback here to  keep you on track.

There are few things better than a good laugh. Make me smile. Life’s too short to take things too seriously.

People will always misuse your/you’re.  Don’t get angry. There are so many things that are more important to spend your energy on in life. Politely correct the person if you must.

– Keep going. No matter what. Life will pop up with it’s surprises both large and small, but let them push you forward instead of hold you back.

 Thanks again all.

Green Finch and Linnet Bird

I finally gave in, guys. Thoughts on Theatre now has a Twitter. While being technosaavy about most other social media trends, I resolutely avoided twitter for as long as I could – out of no special hatred for it, just a general feeling of meh when it was first on the scene. But it’s been six years now, so I figured it was time to reevaluate my relationship with Twitter. Let’s be Twitter friends!

Life is Not a Competition

When you place all your effort into one-upping those around you, you forget to put effort into yourself. And in an instant, life becomes about the accumulation of things instead of experiences. You race towards that next promotion, or award, or publication, feeding an ever-hungry ego and forgoing the joy of the ride.

And it’s easy to get caught up in it all – the media tells us we need to look a certain way, Facebook friends publicize their successes by the second, your family expects you to become a doctor or a lawyer (or maybe marry one), peers and colleagues ask “what have you done lately?” And suddenly we’re frantically looking around convincing ourselves that everyone around us is more successful and more fulfilled than we are. When in reality, everyone’s trying to strike a better balance to make themselves happier.

I’ve even seen this among the WordPress community (which on the whole is a welcoming and supportive one) with individuals literally begging to be Freshly Pressed to have another accolade that can momentarily satiate that creeping feeling of “does what I do matter.” Here’s a secret: you don’t need that nod in order to make a difference. Whether your page has 5 views a day or 5,000, you never know whose lives you may be touching by sharing your story, photos, poetry, jokes or whatever else you offer. All this to say, focus on making you better. It does no good to waste time on wondering why you haven’t reached some threshold of success that you’re coveting.  Improve yourself and your work, and the recognition will follow.

The next time you feel a pang of jealousy or inadequacy, step back and reevaluate. Are you angry at that person because they’ve done you some wrong, or because you want what they have? If the answer’s the latter, start working to get where you want to be. Because I can’t remember the last time someone got an award for sitting around and grumbling.

Compete against yourself. It’s a worthy adversary and in the end, you’ll always come out a winner.

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Up, Up, and Away – Flying High on Gratitude

Hey all, hope your weekend was grand.

Today’s officially the last day to vote for the Finalists for a Skydiving Package with Skydive San Diego. I found out I was in the running for this contest two weeks ago, and the polls close at 5PM tonight. If you haven’t had a chance to vote yet, I would love your help! The winner gets a free tandem skydiving adventure.

If you guys want to lend a hand, you can click on the photo below, then hit any of the social media buttons under “Share and Enjoy.” The winner of the contest will be the one with the most “likes”, “tweets” or other “mentions” under their profile on Bucket List Publications. Your support would mean the world to me!

If I win, I promise to share any and all embarrassing photographs. Thank you all!

Also I was thrilled this weekend to find that George of Vertical Tales had passed on the Beautiful Blog Award to Thoughts on Theatre! Thank you so much George for the award kudos!

Instructions for the award can be found here.  

In the spirit of the award, I would like to nominate a few other beautiful blogs that are doing some wonderful, inspiring work: – Lovely lady with a plan to accomplish all the things on her bucket list before her 30th birthday
http://patcegan.wordpress – Inspiration, daily affirmations, and a wonderful blog overall – A fantastic photo blogger with a knack for capturing ordinary moments in a beautiful light – Features great photos and by a blogger with a beautiful way of expressing herself – Really dig this blogger’s style and openminded mantra – This one, An Appealing Plan, is a fantastic lifestyle blog – Always a fun, fascinating, or enlightening post.

Thank you again for the award, George! I’m incredibly grateful that you thought of Thoughts on Theatre.

Image Source

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Let the sunshine! The sun shine in

Thank you barbaraelka for nominating me for Sunshine Award! You’re fab.

Favorite color: scarlet
Favorite animal: might have to be the lemur..or the corgi
Favorite number: 12
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Double H with a side of O
Facebook or Twitter? Real life
My passion: theatre (never would’ve guessed it, huh?)
Getting or giving presents? giving
Favorite pattern: harlequin
Favorite day of the week:  Thursday
Favorite flower: lily

(in no particular order…)

Have a great Monday all.

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Kreativ Blogger Award

You guys are the best. Thank you again!

Last week was full of little surprises – one of which was Pete Denton‘s nomination of Thoughts on Theatre for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Pete, thank you so much for your recognition. You should all take a moment to peak at his blog – he’s got some really good stuff over there.

In terms of recognizing other blogs and for a few fun facts, I’d like to direct you all to this post.

I’d also like to thank Elsie of Bowen Diaries as well as Jay of Positive Cookie Attitudes for their nods with a Versatile Blogger nomination.

Thank you Pete, Elsie, and Jay once again!

And thank you all for continuing to be wonderfully supportive readers.

Have a great start to your week!

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Genuine Blogger Award

Really? So grateful right now. Another huge thank you!

Coming back from a weekend full of birthday celebrations, football madness, and show-hopping, I was stunned to discover that the wonderfully creative blogger Flujan of My Voyage through Time nominated Thoughts On Theatre for the Genuine Blogger Award. Thank you so much for this nomination – I am honored to have your support. Again, I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to give your feedback and share this site with others these past few weeks. I’ve seen a number of new readers join us lately and I want to extend a warm welcome to you as well.

Apparently this lil’ guy is designed to have no rules at all – an award that allows you to celebrate as you see fit!

The original post on this describes the joy behind getting a nod of recognition and created this award because they “thought it would be nice to create an award that had no “rules” or “requirements.” It is just that…an award. An award given in the true “spirit” of giving some recognition for effort… It is an award that I hope allows recipients to know that their work is appreciated, valued, and noteworthy by a fellow blogger and it does not have the pressure of “rules and requirements” to follow.”

So as my way of celebrating, I would like to give a shout-out and thank you specifically to Anthony of Buy Art by Ant  and Mystic Vixen of Mystic Vixen for their kind words and recommendations of Thoughts on Theatre recently. Thank you for sharing with others. I hope to continue to see more of you in the future!

Flujan, thank you again!

Happy Monday everybody. If this adorable guy doesn’t get your morning started off right, I don’t know what will.

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The Versatile Blogger Award

Great Big Ol’ Thank You!

This weekend, in the midst of the opening weekend of The Glorious Ones, I logged on to discover that Sarah Alice of The Adventures of an English Student nominated Thoughts On Theatre for the Versatile Blogger Award. I want to personally thank Sarah for the nomination and give a quick thanks to all of the others readers who have been supporting and sharing Thoughts On Theatre with others.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass this award along to 15 blogs you enjoy reading.
  4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

So once again, thank you so much Sarah for including me on your list. As she mentioned in her nomination, “I really love the way you approach things, especially for instance, the new year and the idea of being something different.” You are so kind to say so. I started this blog as a way to get passionate people talking about the arts, creativity, life lessons and what inspires them. Thank you for recognizing this vision with your nomination.

Seven Things About Me:

  1. I went to school for Global Studies and French, and will always be fascinated with globalization and French culture.
  2. I’m very nearly addicted to Special K Red Berries. Can’t live without the stuff.
  3. The very first Broadway musical I saw was Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cats at age 4.
  4. Some of my favorite sounds in the world include male harmony, clean tap dancing, autumn leaves crunching underfoot, and the silence hanging in the air on a snowy morning.
  5. I’ve been singing jazzy tunes in French and English with one of my fabulously talented friends Kim for the past two years in a group called Les Chattes.
  6. You will almost always see me in high heels.
  7. I love to cook and am constantly on the hunt for new recipes to add to my notebook. If you have a favorite, pass it my way.

Here are the 15 Blogs  that I wish to pass this award to:

Sarah,  thank you again! Glad I can participate and pay it forward.

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